Surveys & Executive Interviews

The technology to conduct rudimentary surveys has improved recently, though the challenges of doing it well have not. Conducting an effective survey requires a variety of things go right. Our expert researchers help clients define what they want to learn from a survey and fit it into a larger context. It might be helpful for a client to know that they have potential customers for a new product, but how will the survey support the larger effort? FRANdata approaches such problems holistically – we look at the industry trends, forecast future opportunities, then place into context our client’s needs and objectives.

It can be difficult to secure responses to surveys without the right approach, let alone responses that contain valuable insights. Once a client agrees on the primary objective of a survey, FRANdata designs a custom study to help achieve that objective. Fueled by our proprietary database and network of connections in franchising, we are uniquely able to identify the right group of survey targets. Whether a client is interested in collecting opinions, obtaining quantitative information or competitive intelligence, we ensure that surveys deliver.

Surveys are simply a means to an end — while they can be a valuable source of information, many clients seek more detailed insights. Many of our staff – the same personnel who answer press requests from national media – are expert interviewers who can conduct in-depth sessions with key executives. Recent clients have asked us to explore in depth the dynamics of exporting a franchise model internationally in a specific industry, or the challenges one company had encountered when trying to grow quickly. Whatever the topic, if it involved franchising our team is proficient in the subject matter and can capture invaluable insights from industry leaders.

Whether looking for direction in a major strategy shift, input for a new marketing campaign, a course for geographic expansion, or plan of action for franchisee recruitment, a little insight from the right people goes a long way. Outside direction is a fail-proof way to see what works and what could use a refresh. We’ve seen results of our surveys accelerate revenue growth, successfully pivot brand strategies, and even avert business failures.

With our quantitative and qualitative research and analytic expertise, combined with the largest database of information on franchisors, franchise executives, franchisees, lenders, and suppliers, FRANdata is fully equipped to design targeted surveys for our clients, conduct interviews, and deliver feedback that combines market results with professional guidance.


Moving from intuition and presumption to fact-based strategic and tactical changes often is a challenge. An important part of the dynamic between franchisee and franchisor is good communication and trust.

We focus our customized questionnaires to address a particular system’s key issues. We gather feedback from franchisees, sometimes by phone, sometimes by form. It depends on the issues and the best way to get feedback. Franchisees understand the challenges better than anyone and often have the answers as well. But it takes a willingness on their part to articulate either one. That willingness is centered on trust.

That’s where our objectivity comes into play. We don’t spin it, we don’t twist it. We do reach beyond the surface questions to get at the underlying themes. We then supplement our findings with industry sector data. That’s a powerful combination.

Give us a call and we can discuss your strategic and tactical challenges. Our survey and information products can help you get over ingrained roadblocks to your success.

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