Multi-Unit Franchising Conference (MUFC)
Looking to create successful growth in franchising? Join us at the brand new Caesars Forum conference facility for the 20th Annual Multi-Unit Franchising Conference! The 2020 MUFC is a must-attend event for multi-unit and multi-brand franchisees looking to build their businesses to achieve their growth goals.
Staff Attending: TBD
Southeastern Small Business Lenders Conference
This annual conference held at the beginning of each year, is a networking and training event held over a 3-day period. It includes keynote speakers on SBA relevant topics, forecast of the economy, breakout training sessions with topics for all levels and roles in SBA lending (i.e., lenders, closers, underwriters, management and support staff) as well as several networking opportunities.
Past speakers have included representatives from the Small Business Administration’s Office of Capital Access, Office of Credit Risk Management, Office of the Administrator, Export and International Trade and more, as well as representatives from NAGGL and NADCO, and keynote speakers such as Economist Dr. Roger Tutterow (Kennesaw State University), and many more talented professionals.
Each year, the conference has grown not only by number of attendees, but by number of sponsors and quality of educational opportunities. Last year, over 90 different companies and government agencies were represented by more than 400 attendees.
Staff Attending: Paul Santomauro, Anthony Sepe